In our last post I mentioned that changing your signs frequently is something you should do to market your business (#4 on the To Do list.) Now I will provide some details about people’s behavior, and shopping habits, to give more information about why this is usually an effective strategy.
Statistics have shown that the vast majority of people, over 85%, in the U.S. live, and shop within 5 miles of the businesses they frequent. In addition to this, up to 20% of the general population will relocate each year, bringing in many new prospective customers. To maximize your potential with these new & existing customers it is imperative that your signs are kept current. A good rule of thumb to consider when establishing a marketing strategy is to “Change with the seasons.” What this means is to look to change your signage and/or messaging at the beginning of each of the 4 main seasons during the year. Following this simple guideline will ensure it is current and relevant all year, year after year.